About PMMU

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of the sector program had always been one of the key priorities of the MOHFW. However, no separate M&E unit for SWAp implementation was established under the first SWAp, HPSP. Efforts were taken in the second SWAp, HNPSP, to set up an M&E Unit in order to ensure intensive monitoring of sector program implementation and progress towards projected targets. However, it was felt that further improvement in the monitoring and evaluation system was needed. Following that, a notable institutional innovation introduced in HPNSDP was the setting up of the Program Management and Monitoring Unit (PMMU) under the Planning Wing in November 2011 with the following functions:

• Prepare Six monthly progress Report (SmPR), Annual Program Implementation Report (APIR), Mid-Term Program Implementation Report (MPIR) and other documents to support Annual Program Review (APR) and MTR process;

• Coordinate with all Line Directors (LDs) to develop a reporting mechanism and as a result periodically revise/update the Results Framework with appropriate indicators for PIP/OP;

• Coordinate with relevant MOHFW entities, technical partners, and DPs in the design and implementation of an appropriate evaluation plan, including periodic national surveys on specific topics/questions, e.g., Bangladesh Demographic and Health Surveys (BDHS), Utilization of Essential Service Delivery (UESD), Bangladesh Maternal Mortality and Health Care Survey (BMMS), Urban Health Survey (UHS), Bangladesh Health Facility Survey (BHFS), Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), etc.;

• Support the MOHFW to review and monitor legal frameworks and to develop monitoring and evaluation strategy and action plan to improve the service delivery and health systems; and

• Develop and implement a continuous technical capacity assessment process, and support technology transfer policies and mechanisms.

The PMMU comprised of GOB staff as well as a Technical Assistance Support Team (T AST) consisting of long-term national advisors/specialists with Division Chief/Joint Chief, Planning Wing as the head of the Unit. GOB staffs included one Deputy Chief, three Senior Assistant Chief/Assistant Chiefs, two Program Management Officers from DGHS and DGFP. The TA part was supported mostly by United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Data for Impact (D4I) is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms of the D4I associate award 7200AA18LA00008, which is implemented by the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in partnership with Palladium International, LLC; ICF Macro, Inc.; John Snow, Inc.; and Tulane University. The views expressed in this website do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States government.