PMMU Newsletter Issue-23
This e-newsletter covers the last quarter of FY 2019-2020 when Bangladesh and a large part of the world were struggling to contain COVID-19 pandemic. Offices opened within strict health guidelines from 31st May after remaining closed from 26 March.
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This e-newsletter covers the third quarter of FY 2019-20 i.e., January-March 2020. Since the beginning of this period the World is undergoing an unprecedented outbreak of a new viral desease - Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19).
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The process of preparing Annual Program Implementation Report (APIR) 2019 of 4th HPNSP for FY 2018-19 started in end-June 2019.
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PMMU initiated the process of developing customized templates towards end-June 2019 for collection of information from LDs on implementation progress of their respective OPs in FY 2018-19 and the first date for submission of filled-in templates was 21 July 2019.
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PMMU initiated preparation of six-monthly progress review in December 2018, as a part of regular monitoring of the current sector program 4th HPNSP.
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The Honorable Prime Minister visited the office of MOHFW on 27 January 2019.
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Mr. Md. Ashadul Islam joined as Secretary, Health Services Division of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) on 08 November 2018
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The first full-year Annual Program Implementation Report (APIR) of 4th HPNSP covering the period July 2017 - June 2018 was developed during this quarter.
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The first Six-monthly Progress Report (SmPR) of 4th HPNSP covering the period July-December 2017 was finalized, printed and distributed during this quarter.
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A structured template for collection of information from the LDs for the first Six-monthly Progress Report (SmPR) of 4th HPNSP covering the period July-December 2017 was developed in early January 2018.
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This e-newsletter covers the second quarter of FYI 2018 i.e, October-December 2017. Some of the events of this quarter are highlighted.
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The third Sector Programme - Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development Programme (HPNSDP) of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), came to an end in December 2016. The 4th Sector Programme, titled "4th Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Programme (4th HPNSP)" officially commenced from 01 January, 2017 to be completed on 30 June, 2022.