
Quarter 2 - 2017

PMMU Newsletter Issue-10

The third Sector Programme - Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development Programme (HPNSDP) of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), came to an end in December 2016. The next Sector Programme - 4th Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Programme (4th HPNSP) officially commenced from January, 0217 tobe completed in June, 2022.

Quarter 1 - 2017

PMMU Newsletter_Issue-9

During October - December 2016, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) was deeply involved in developing the Program Implementation Plan (PIP) of the 4th Sector Program - 4th HPNSP (FYs 2017-2022).

Quarter 4 - 2016

PMMU Newsletter Issue-8

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) was deeply involved in developing the Program Implementation Plan (PIP) of the 4th HNP Sector Program (FY 2017-2022).

Quarter 3 - 2016

PMMU Newsletter Issue-7

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) initiated an enormous task of 4th HNP Sector Program preparation in January, 2015

Quarter 2 - 2016

PMMU Newsletter Issue-6

The 1st meeting of Project Implementation Committee (PIC) for the "Safe Motherhood Promotion- Operations Research on Safe Motherhood and Newborn Survival" project was held on 04 January 2016 in the conference room of PMMU, Azimpur, Dhaka.

Quarter 1 - 2016

PMMU Newsletter Issue-5

A discussion meeting for reviewing zero draft of the Strategic Investment Plan (SIP) for the 4th HNP Sector Program (2016-21) was held on 12 October 2015 in the conference room of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW).

Quarter 4 - 2015

PMMU Newsletter Issue-4

Eight Strategic Thematic Groups (STGs) and three sub groups were formed comprising representative from GOB stakeholders, Development Partners, NGOs, CSOs and professional bodies for preparation of Strategic Investment Plan (SIP) of the 4th HNP Sector Program.

Quarter 3 - 2015

PMMU Newsletter_Issue-3

The Six-monthly Progress Report (SmPR) highlights progress of HPNSDP implementation covering the first half of FY 2014-15 (July-December 2014). 

Quarter 2 - 2015

PMMU Newsletter Issue-2

The Planning Wing took initiative to prepare a new proposal for funding from GAVI-HSS for five years starting from January 2016. The proposal for $100 million was developed through an intesive process involving different stakeholders within MOHFW and also of Local Govt. Division.

Quarter 1 - 2015

PMMU Newsletter Issue-1

The Program Management and Monitoring Unit (PMMU) was established by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) to assist Planning Wing (PW) to manage, monitor and evaluate the progress of implmentation of health, population and nutrition sector development program (HPNSDP).
